What if I don’t have a down payment?
Not to worry! FHA and conventional financing both allow for gift funds from relatives and family members. If you don’t have access to a gift, there are many down payment assistance programs in metro Denver and throughout the state of Colorado that can be utilized by its residents to reduce or completely cover your down payment requirements.
Just about every down payment program has income limits and you will have to be under those limits to utilize the income specific programs available. Some programs only have limits on the person borrowing the money whereas others have income limits on the entire household.
Very few lenders have access to the lion’s share of the down payment assistance programs available in metro Denver and Colorado, but Uptown Mortgage is proud to be on the cutting edge and able to offer just about everything that is available. Here is a short list of the down payment assistance programs we have access to:
- Aurora HOAP
- Adams County
- Denver MMA
Check out our down payment assistance details section (Coming Soon).
Learn more: First Time Homebuyers
- How do I start the process?
- What do I need for the pre-qualification process?
- Once I pre-qualify, what is my next step?
- How much of a down payment will I need?
- What if I don’t have a down payment?
- What is Mortgage Insurance?
- Is there specific documentation I will need to gather for the loan process?
- How long does the loan process take?
- Which loan option is best for me?
- How do I know which company or loan officer I should go with?